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Top Tips And Advice For Shopping For Shoes

Shoes are something that most people can not avoid. Several stores may be visited before you find what you are looking for. The advice in this article will help make your shoe shopping excursions easier.

Don't buy shoes unless you try them both on. You may think a shoe isn't comfortable or it slips when you buy it when not even trying it on to walk in it. Try on different sizes to feel which one fits the best.

You shouldn't wear flip flops everywhere. This type of shoe offers to support, and you can get injuries such as sprained ankles and stubbed toes. Flip flops are fine if you are going to the beach but try to wear more supportive shoes the rest of the time.

Determine your arch height prior to getting new athletic shoes, because one type does not suit all. You can wet the bottom of one foot, then step on a white piece of paper. The wet parts will illustrate your arch type. You will be able to see almost all of the footprint if you have a flat arch. If only your toes and heel are visible, you have a high arch. This helps you discover the right fit.

Beware of falling into the "breaking in" trap. You hear many people say that shoes will become more comfortable after they are broken in. It usually doesn't work out this way. As a matter of fact, shoes that are the best for your feet are going to fit well as soon as you try them on. So if you feel awkward in a pair, even if the style is so you, it's in your best interest to move on.

Now, you can see that shoe shopping does not have to be difficult. You should be able to find comfortable shoes you love if you apply the tips from this article. Tuck these tips into your wallet and refer back to them while shoe shopping.
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